Thursday, July 18, 2013

PTBL #191, 16/7/2013

1.SAVATAGE sirens "sirens" 1983
2.OMEN warning of danger "warning of danger" 1985
3.OVERKILL there's no tomorrow "feel the fire" 1985
4.IRON MAIDEN die with your boots on "piece of mind" 1983
5.THE ACCUSED psychomania "martha Splatterhead's Maddest stories ever told" 1988
6.DIE KREUZEN enemies s/t 1984
7.LAAZ ROCKIT holiday in Cambodia (DKs) "Annihilation Principle" 1989
8.DOOM world of shit "world of shit" 2001
9.JUDAS PRIEST the hellion/electric eye "Screaming for vengeance" 1982
10.MEDIEVAL STEEL lost in the city "The Anthology of steel" 2011
11.ENFORCER silent hour/the conjuration "Death by fire" 2013
12.FROZEN DOBERMAN crank "bonsai" 1994
13.BLISTERED PALMS it doesn't matter "It doesn't matter" ep 2006
14.MASSIVE APPENDAGE interlude/get fucked "the severed erection" 1986?
15.RUSH Tom Sawyer "Moving Pictures" 1981
16.SHIVA wild machine "firedance" 1982
17.VOIVOD golem "angel rat" 1991
18.THE DEVILS BLOOD ...if not a vessel "III: Tabula Rasa or death & seven pillars" 2013
19.MATRONARCH dies irae Demo 2013
20.SENTINEL BEAST dogs of war "depths of death" 1986
21.PISTENBROKE rock with your cock out "true brewed rock n roll" 2011
22.GENERATION SWINE fule n fire "fuel n fire" 2012
23.LIEGE LORD kill the king (Rainbow) "master control" 1988
24.DIO throw away children "Killing the dragon" 2002
25.BLACK ALICE something in the air (THUNDERCLAP NEWMAN) "sons of steel" 1989
26.TROUBLE Bastards will pay "psalm 9" 1984