2.LIMELIGHT metal man "Ashes to ashes" 1980/1994
3.TRIARCHY metal messiah "Live to fight again" 2007/single 1981
4.SEVENTH SON metal to the moon "immortal hours" 2002/1983
4.METALUCIFER heavy metal highway rider "Heavy metal Bulldozer" 2009 (english version)

6.TAIPAN metal machine "metal machine" 2013
7.IVORY TIGER metal mountain "metal mountain" ep 1986
8.TOXIC DEATH metal possessed demo 2012
9.EUDOXIS metal fix "attack from above" ep 1986
10.WARFARE rabid metal "pure filth" 1984
11.CUTTHROAT metal anarchy (Warfare) "rape rape rape" 1999/2007
12.SPUNK BUBBLES metal wench "metal wench" 7" 1986
13.ABIGAIL metal bitch inferno "Sweet baby metal slut" 2009
14.ABIGAIL wildfire metal bitch "Sweet baby metal slut" 2009
15.INTOXICATED slutanic speed metal "rock n roll hell patrol" 2013
16.CIANIDE death metal maniac "Hell's rebirth" 2005
17.GRENADE metal of death "The Howling damned" 2007
18.CASBAH death metal "Russian Roulette: No posers" 2005/7" 1986
19.BAPHOMETS BLOOD satanic metal attack "Satanic metal attack" 2006
20.SIGN OF THE JACKAL heavy metal demons "mark of the beast" 2013
21.FINGERNAILS metal bullets "Alles Verbotten 2012
22.STRANA OFFICINA metal brigade "Una vita per il rock" 1994/"ritual" ep "87