Thursday, September 22, 2016

PTBL #353, 20/09/2016

Co-presented with Mal and Special guests from OUTRAGE/DARKLORD/OTHERWORLD/THE OATH OF DAMNATION/ SHADOW REALM - Mick, Matt and Steve

1.HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH Marie Antoinette s/t 1988
2.METALLICA ride the Lightning "Ride the Lightning" 1984
3.MEANSTREAK nightmare "2 Track Attack" demo 1986
4.OUTRAGE fear no fear "Songs for a Romantic Evening" Demo 1989
5.OUTRAGE frozen over "Songs for A Romantic Evening" Demo 1989
6.DARKLORD prince of the land of tears " the force of sacred magic rites" demo 1994
7.DARKLORD war in the sky "Symphony Satanikka"2002
8.BEZERKER Halloween "Lost: Remastered" 2013
9.OTHERWORLD the last man "Monument to the end of the World" 2001
10.NIHILATANIC at satan's gates Demo 2010
11.THE OATH OF DAMANTION wrath of formosus "the Descent" 2014
12.SHADOW REALM shadows within - Adv. track from forthcoming release
13.QUEENSRYCHE operation mindcrime "Operation Mindcrime" 1988